- Date
- Location (be as specific as possible)
- Time of Day
- Approximate size
- Any other details observed
1-888-Sea-Turt (1-888-732-8878)
The Sea Turtle Sighting Hotline for Southern New England Boaters is part of the ongoing sea turtle program at MassAudubon’s Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary. The two primary goals of the hotline are: (1) to document where and when sea turtles are seen in southern New England waters, and (2) to alert boaters that sea turtles are present in the summer and fall so that boaters will both report sightings and make efforts to avoid striking the turtles. These sea turtles are endangered and threatened, so please watch for them and report sightings. Read More >
Sea turtles (Leatherbacks, Loggerheads, Kemp's ridleys and Greens) will be feeding in New England waters throughout the late spring, summer and early fall. Boaters can help protect these endangered and threatened species in two ways:...Read More >
~ Loggerhead catching a breath at the surface. Photo by Susan Wrisley